Michael Fiala Motor-Sports-Club
Track-Days for cars
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Reservation form for motorcycle events in 2024

Secure your starting place:

More than half of the available places have already been taken and some events are already fully booked.
Book quickly and secure your places!

Cancellation insurance:

There are many reasons that can prevent drivers from participating in an event.
As the number of affected drivers increases, we recommend insuring the cancellation risk.
Two cancellation insurances are available
1.) SportVers motorsport cancellation insurance: calculate your fee
2.) European travel insurance: calculate your fee

Race tracks in 2024:

Race tracks and the program remain unchanged.
Our event calendar includes the Brno Circuit, the Hungaroring, the Slovakia Ring, Most, the Pannonia Ring and Misano.

Motorcycle event program:

1st day of the event: free practice in 4 groups, group changes every 20 minutes (per day approx. 165 minutes per group)
2nd day of the event: free practice (as above), 2 races (each race is evaluated in the SBK and SSP classes)
Qualification for the race the day before the race!
Please note that there are no races in July!

I hereby book binding:

29./30. June 2024 ... Hungaroring
This event is fully booked!
1./2. July 2024 ... Pannonia Ring
This event is fully booked!
8./9. July 2024 ... Slovakia Ring
This event can only be booked as a 2-day event.
Attention: There are no races held in July!
10./11. July 2024 ... Brno Circuit
This event can only be booked as a 2-day event.
Attention: There are no races held in July!
12./13. August 2024 ... Slovakia Ring
14./15. August 2024 ... Brno Circuit
21./22. August 2024 ... Pannonia Ring
29./30./31. August 2024 ... Misano World Circuit
This event is fully booked!
Subject to change!

One day accident insurance:

Hobby racer can sign a one day accident insurance with SportVers.de; the risk of a race is included.
Costs: € 20,- per day; insurance sum: € 100.000
All information is provided on: https://www.sportvers.de
  By clicking the checkbox your insurance registration will be send to the insurance company.

My message to the organizer:

Regarding renting a box or other questions ...

My personal data:


I am experienced in riding on race track:    yes    no
My lap times: (if available):

After booking all payment information will be sent within 3 days to the e-mail address you provided.

By sending the booking form I confirm and agree with the Michael Fiala Motor-Sports-Club general terms and conditions; furthermore, I confirm that I have read the privacy policy concerning the General Data Protection Regulation.

Misano Worls Circuit Hungaroring Autodrom Most Brno Circuit Slovakia Ring Pannonia Ring Freies Fahren Freies Fahren Freies Fahren Freies Fahren Freies Fahren Freies Fahren Start zum Rennen Rennen Michael Fiala Nobody Almir Ahmetovic


Evening before the event: 19.00 - 21.00 hours
1st day of the event: 7.00 - 19.00 hours
2nd day of the event 8.00 - 18.00 hours

Technical acceptance:

Riding a motorcycle on the race track involves risks that people tend to ignore, but that doesn't change the fact that these risks still remain. The short technical check is intended to help riders identify obvious technical defects on their motorcycles before the event begins and have them repaired. This short technical chek increases the safety of all drivers. Our accident record confirms the usefulness of this customer service.

Grouping of drivers:

To get an event running smoothly good group division is required. Since 2018 we have been archiving all lap times driven at our events. This means we have a very extensive amount of data, which makes it easier to divide the drivers into the four groups. Regrouping based on the lap times driven on the respective event day ultimately leads to an optimal group division.
This ensures the best driving experience and the highest level of safety.

Tire service and spare parts:

There is a tire service on site at all events.
Common wear parts such as brake pads are also available locally.

Free practice:

Our events are particularly characterized by free practice which is carried out in four groups. This way each and every driver can find his perfect training environment.


Anyone who has already taken part in a few track days might feel to compete with other drivers. There are two races for this, which are held on the 2nd day of each event. Fairness and a cool head are required when the adrenaline is at its peak!
The two races start with different procedures. The experienced race participants start in the Racing Class with the standing start. The Rookie Class starts with the rolling start.
The qualification for the race and the division of the drivers into racing and rookie classes takes place the day before the race.
The qualifying time is the fastest lap time set by each driver the day before the race.
Long story short: qualification on the 1st day of the event, race on the 2nd day of the event.


In order to be able to optimize the group division based on the lap times driven on the respective event day, it is necessary that each driver uses a transponder. The costs for the transponder rental and the timing are not included in the entry fee and amount to € 20 per event day.
The lap times driven can be tracked on site via a monitor. There is also an app that every driver can use to view their lap times. Since 2018, each driver's lap times have been stored in a personal lap time archive (accessed via login and password).

Photo service:

Jan Starek and the Trackriders team offer the best image quality.
Photographers with MotoGP and WorldSuperbike experience.

Obligation to provide information according to § 5 Paragraph 1 E-Commerce Act:

Michael Fiala Motor-Sports
PO Box 25, 1006 Vienna, Austria
Vienna Chamber of Commerce, event organization division, trade division, advertising division
+43 699 13320406
Erste Bank Austria, IBAN: AT64 2011 1000 0385 2822, BIC: GIBAATWWXXX